超賢 Chao Xian : I BATMAN

Chao Xian's Char siu 叉燒 recipe

(2 minutes reading time)

Char siu 叉燒 (Chinese BBQ pork) is a fantastic Hong Kong delicacy. But my cheat’s version is much more indulgent and rich.

The flavour I’ve recreated is closer to what you might sometimes get in Malaysia, especially from a (now long gone) restaurant in Kuala Lumpur’s Sungei Wang shopping centre called Super Noodles.

Please share your pics and tag me on Insta or Twitter! I’d love to see your Char Siu 叉燒 and will update this post with your pics 😊


UPDATE Wednesday 16th June 2020

Confession time: I never had a written down recipe for this before. Whenever I asked my mother, aunties or grandparents for the recipe for something they made, they’d always tell me they didn’t know… “Just make it!”

So I got some of the measurements wrong, and I’ve updated it below.

UPDATE Sunday 10th May 2020

I realised that I’d put too much soy sauce and honey in the recipe the first time I published this! Sorry, I’d only done this by eye before I wrote it down from memory… 😬


Note: the Hoisin sauce I use isn’t a concentrated paste - it’s only about 15% soy bean. If you get the paste versions you’ll want to use just a couple table spoons worth. Maybe a bit of water to get more coverage.



Mix the hoisin sauce with the oyster sauce, soy sauce, honey and sesame oil. Pour over the belly pork in an oven dish and make sure the pork is well covered. Marinade in the fridge overnight or at least 3 hours before cooking.


Heat your oven to 200º (or 180º fan) and cook for about 30-40 minutes.

If you use an oven dish, the sauce won’t crisp on the meat so easily so turn up the heat to 210º to 230º (200º to 220º fan). If you’ve used a roasting tin, you won’t need to bother with this. Be warned your tin will end up encrusted with a lot of crisped sauce - think cleaning a bbq! I’d go for an oven dish…

Remove from the pan and with as much of the marinade as you can before it starts to cool - the honey makes it a caramelised glaze! Slice up the pork into chunks.


Serve with Thai jasmine rice, chiu chow chilli oil and a sweetheart cabbage (cooked in oyster sauce).

Recipe © Kelvin Gan 2020. All rights reserved.