超賢 Chao Xian : I BATMAN

Masters of Doom (aka I read a book!)

(1 minute reading time)

I read a book! Not a comic book or graphic novel, or a programming text book, or a magazine, or an influencer’s published collection of tweets, a “real” book!

Masters of Doom book cover

The first since I can’t remember when! It’s only taken me about 5 years to read it! I am both feeling supremely triumphant and ashamed. But fuck it I think I have mild adult-ADHD, so it’s really a damn miracle. So suck up my ill formed and faded thoughts on This (real!) Book. It’s significant.

First, why did I read it? Well it started years ago when I lent a book to a friend. Aha! That was the last book I read! JPod by Douglas Coupland. The same author of Generation X, and Microserfs. Both books that I thoroughly enjoyed.

My friend lent me one of their books in return, Masters of Doom by David Kushner. I had it for about a year. Then I was leaving so had to give them back their copy. And for my birthday someone gave me a book token. I had no idea what to use them for. Perhaps a graphic novel? And then realised I needed to finish Masters of Doom…

Not going to rehash what it’s about because you’ll get that from the back of the cover. I will however say that I really enjoyed the bromantic hacker fraternity who birthed a series of groundbreaking, historic landmark games from a lakehouse. The second half of the book lost its pace and didn’t keep me well captivated.

And that’s it. A pretty boring write up huh? Dont’ worry it’ll be a long time before my next one I’m sure. Currently re-reading Good Omens for the first time in about 30 years (yes I’m that fucking old) in preparation for binging on the Amazon Prime TV show.

Another friend said to me today about Masters of Doom “Nuuur it’s a non-fiction book boo I don’t like non-fiction” like it’s not a real book… <voice style="sarcastic"> Thanks </voice>

But to my friend who lent me Masters of Doom: thank you!