超賢 Chao Xian : I BATMAN

Lockdown Notes 1

The world has completely changed since my last notes… I’ve posted a few things since but avoided talking about it here. I’ve got a very personal handwritten journal, but there’s some stuff worth sharing here too.

(4 minutes reading time)

Chao Xian's Char siu 叉燒 recipe

Char siu 叉燒 (Chinese BBQ pork) is a fantastic Hong Kong delicacy. But my cheat’s version is much more indulgent and rich.

(2 minutes reading time)

Family history - my mother's side Foo 符

My mother’s family has a fascinating history. I don’t know much about my grandfather. My Ah Kong’s 阿公 name was Foo Duen Ji 符敦瑜. My Ah Poh 阿婆 (my grandmother) was Heng Lian Hua 邢蓮花. These are their names in Malaysian phonetics, as pronounced in Hainanese.

(8 minutes reading time)

Family history - my father's side Gan 顏

Mysteries are not uncommon in family histories. But I was simply oblivious. Well to be fair my parents were usually reluctant to talk in detail about my lineage at all when I was a child. I decided as much as I can get needs writing down for posterity. These things being passed on as spoken tales after all, would’ve been lost in time. Here are the tidbits I have, starting with my father’s side.

(4 minutes reading time)