超賢 Chao Xian : I BATMAN


Our Chinese names:

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Black Friday 2019 haul

So Black Friday this year was also on pay day, and during my week off sick. I got myself a handful of stuff:

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Weeknotes 6

Monday last week I went along to a Financial Wellbeing workshop at Horse Guards Road. I’d hoped to something useful out of it, but it was pretty wishy washy. However my main take from it was to not be judgemental or harsh of different spending habits. But to also not go to extremers. Examples were a person who had it ingrained to always scrimp and save money, but when it came to moment to spend that money on a big repair it caused them distress! That’s the whole point of savings!

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Weeknotes 5

These always seem to end up getting published a few days after a week has ended. Anyway, some highlights:

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