超賢 Chao Xian : I BATMAN

Four comics

There was a cool hashtag trending that I spotted on Instagram. You post #fourcomics that had some sort of impact on you. Most people put their favourites, what they grew up with or the ones that were influential.

(5 minutes reading time)

A Girl's Favourite Superheroes

My Number One Daughter has a variety of tastes. She goes with what’s on trend to what she really likes for herself and that’s amazingly cool.

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Top Batman Moments

In honour of Batman’s 75th Anniversary and inspired by this tweet by ComiXology, I’m writing my favourite Batman moments. I’m not going to do a list of 75 as I don’t think I have that many favourites and also I’m writing this on the eve of Batman Day. I only decided to write this just a couple of hours ago. I’m also going by memory and mine’s pretty poor. Plus I’ve not read or experienced every single thing to do with Batman in all the 75 years. So you can’t justifiably accuse me of not being comprehensive.

(7 minutes reading time)

New beginnings

I’ve had blogs before but I’ve kept them quiet. I find it embarrassing when people read my stuff and yeah that’s weird when you’re writing blogs. I had one in particular that I think was really esoteric and that was my learning journal from my 詠春拳功夫 Wing Chun kung fu training. It’s really boring! Although some of the stats suggest people are reading it… The notes from training make no sense anyway and really should be written down in Evernote instead.

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Blogpost ideas

Off the top of my head, most probably awful:

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