超賢 Chao Xian : I BATMAN


I made a really big decision back in the summer to accept a fantastic opportunity to work at GDS. I intended to blog about my start there as early as possible. But I’ve just been so busy!

GDS is a brilliant place to work

I’m now 3 weeks in and so far it’s been a lot of fun and everything I hoped for. The people are fantastic. They care about each other and are passionate about their work. In my encounters with those who are more senior than me, they’re always making sure I’m ok.

My feelings for the place are shared by others. One evening at the pub, a contractor I work with said that this is the first place in his career he ever considered going permanent at. He said the people are great, it’s a good place to work and the work is worthwhile and enjoyable.

Good work

That last point there is an understatement to me and there’s something that really hits me when I stop to think about it. I work on GOV.UK and every citizen in the UK, plus many others the world over, will interact with it at some point. Every one of you.

It is utterly thrilling and rewarding to know that I am contributing to something for the benefit of the entire public. Admittedly for now I’ve not done much hands-on as I’m still learning the ropes, but I did make a change to the homepage. That was a massive buzz! ⚡️

Taking time

As a new starter I’m not under any real pressure, but I’m encouraged to contribute anything I like. Identifying and making a small improvement to some docs was probably my very first contribution. I realise now that people want to give me the time to adjust, learn and ease into things.

I’ve been doing a fair amount of code reviews which has given me a good chance to see how things fit together. There’s definitely a lot to learn, especially as I’m working on what is considered one of our most complex applications. But I’m slowly getting there.

I’ve been taking as many opportunities as I can to work on things and already involved in several pieces that have shipped. This strategy of building up to heftier work is helping to make me feel good.

Do better

I came to GDS knowing that everyone here is awesome and I feared I wouldn’t measure up (massive imposter syndrome all my life). But I made a decision to Be Bold. That’s why I joined.

Despite having a lot to overcome and feeling uncomfortable, I know the experience will make me a better dev. That is how I am able to accept the discomfort. Two people I look up to have told me a (paraphrased) saying:

“Aim to join a team where you are the worst dev there - it means you will become better than you are now”.

I’ve already learned a lot of cool stuff since arriving, so I think it’s happening.

Team awesome

I’m also very, very lucky with the team I’m in. Not only are they a fantastic bunch of people to work with (one said they felt they’ve known me for 10 years 😊), we are embarking on an important project for GOV.UK (well all the projects are!). It’s not something I can really talk about but the timing has been good for me.

London tho

I said at the beginning it was a big decision. I live quite a way outside of London and it’s been hard spending so much time away from my family. Fortunately GDS are very good at supporting flexible working and I think this aspect is going to work out ok for me.

Quite frankly there is no where else I would’ve come to London for. I’m so pleased and frankly proud of where I’ve ended up. ✌️️