超賢 Chao Xian : I BATMAN

What does a coder do?

An outline of what I’ll go through in each session for my STEM Week visit.

I will either need to be able to connect my laptop to the projector and have access to internet OR use the web browser on the computer that allows Javascript and is connected to the projector.

Presentation briefly saying what I do

Quick code demo

A very brief introduction to HTML and CSS.

This is basically an example of pretty much what I do at work. I will write HTML and CSS for the projects I work on.

Demo 1

Just some words.

Demo 2

Something fancier.

Children have a go

I will get the children to have a go at the HTML and CSS exercises above. I only expect them to do Exercise 1. Those who can may go onto Exercise 2. I will provide handouts and they can pair on a computer together.

Exercise 1

Go here jumpto.cc/web-intro

You can also get the worksheet.

## Exercise 2

Go here jumpto.cc/web-card

This exercise is optional.